Melanie Colby Morgan
Melanie Colby Morgan holds a Bachelor of Music from Montclair State University where she studied music education and clarinet performance. She has been teaching music education for 15 years for all ages in various different settings including a sailing ship. She started her career working for folk musician Pete Seeger’s nonprofit education program where Melanie taught music and environmental science on the sailing ship Clearwater to students in NYC and the Hudson River Valley. It was there where she found her love for folk music after rigorous study in classical clarinet performance. Inspired by Pete Seegers work, Melanie cofounded a nonprofit organization Ocean Protection Advocacy Kids in 2016 that uses performing arts and songwriting as a medium for environmental advocacy. She has performed professionally as a vocalist for a New England based entertainment company and as a chorus member in two on tour productions of Broadway’s Rocktopia. She is thrilled to be part of the Middletown Arts Center family for her third year music directing theater camp productions like Elf, Matilda, Lion King, and Mary Poppins. She was also Musical Director with the MAC Players for SpongeBob the Musical and Legally Blonde. She is so excited to now be offering piano, voice, and music lessons at the MAC!